Interpersonal skills are...
what makes a team travel far.

Interpersonal skills are...
what makes a team travel far.
Trainings & Workshops
Inhouse | Online |Team & Individual Consultation
A key ingredient to successful cooperation and collaboration between individuals and within teams is the ability to work with interpersonal challenges in an intelligent, empathetic and constructive manner. The question is not if friction arises, but how we deal with it once we notice it.
In my trainings and workshops, I use a variety of different approaches and models taken from various areas such as communication psychology, diversity and conflict management. New perspectives and clearer insight can be obtained, enabling participants to move beyond “business-as-usual” communication. This ultimately can create more openness, greater job-satisfaction and a higher performance culture within the respective teams and organization.
By analyzing and addressing specific challenges participants encounter in their work environments these training courses provide both practical as well as solution-oriented approaches.
Communication & Cooperation
Diversity & Interculturality
Conflict Management
About me
As a trainer, my goal is to support individuals, teams and organizations in developing a more appreciative, diversity-sensitive and conflict-competent way of communicating and cooperating on a daily basis.
As an experienced education-enthusiast, I design and offer engaging, interactive and experience-based trainings and workshops. These support participants and their team members to enhance their interpersonal and relational skill set.
I like to compare my role as a trainer with that of an expedition guide – someone who leads and navigates through classroom learnings - encouraging participants to engage with new perspectives along with adopting emotionally and socially intelligent solution approaches.
Which specific itinerary we chose, i.e. which topics, content and (learning)objectives we cover in the respective training or workshop, is drafted and designed after close consultation with clients.

Dealing with frustration and conflict at work

Successful collaboration in multigenerational teams
Conflict Management and Non-violent communication

Diversity/ Equality/ Anti-Racism
Leadership Training

"In her trainings and workshops, she creates a space for intensive exchange and self-reflection, which helps participants to internalize the content taught in the long term and to apply it directly in practice."
C. Elsen, IFU Learntransfer
"Her competent and lively way of teaching as well as her professional expertise allowed for the training content to be well received and our employees being able to take home practical ideas for their daily communication."
H. Christ, Ausbildungszentrum der Justiz NRW, Essen
"Especially when dealing with demanding topics, her training style invites participants to take on new perspectives and to approach challenging situations both with seriousness as well as a pinch of humor. In this kind of learning environment, hands-on solutions become available to the participants."
C. Elsen, IFU Learntransfer
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You and/or your team want to journey to new horizons?
Or you have questions about my offers?
Contact me!
How to deal with friction an frustration at work

Successful collaboration in intergenerational teams
Conflict Management and Non-violent Communication

Diversity/ Equality/ Anti-Racism
Leadership Training